do not message if:
— racist
.......— xenophobic
.......— sinophobic
.......— colorist
.......— orientalist
.......— anti blm
.......— anti black
.......— pro blue lives matter/alm
.......— anti stop asian hate
.......— say slurs you can't reclaim
.......— believes racisl people in minorities can't also be racist
.......— believes whites can be opressed for being white
.......— hibernophobic
.......— pro imperialism/colonialism
.......— white supermacist
.......— etc— anti queer
.......— homophobic, lesbiphobic, biphobic, panphobic, etc
.......— transphobic
.............— transmed/truscum, radfem, terf
...................— terfs include "potterheads", i don't care
.............— anti neopronouns or xenogenders
.............— anti non-she/her lesbians or non-he/him gays
.......— intersexist
.......— consider pedophiles lgbtq+
.......— exclusionist
.......— believe in strict labels (eg: "bi lesbians aren't real")
.......— still considers queer a slur— islamophobic
.......— anti face or head coverings
.......— etc— anti-semitic
.......— nazi/nazi sympathizer
.......— german nationalism apologist
.......— japanese imperialism apologist
.......— holocaust denier
.......— etc— zionist
.......— pro israel
.......— pro idf
.......— anti palestine
.......— etc— sexist
.......— misogynistic
.......— transmisogynistic
.......— transandrophobic
.......— tradwife— ableist
.......— you say the r slur
.......— anti recovery
.......— etc— politically right wing/conservative
.......— alt right
.......— american republican
.......— pro life/anti choice
.......— etc— xxx-phile
.......— pedophile
.......— zoophile
.......— necrophile
.......— etc